Thursday, September 12, 2019

Senegal being pounded again by rain after a rough week of flooding and fatalities

Caption:  Dakar, Senegal  Precipitation over the last 90 days

This has been some month for rainfall in Senegal.  Heavy rains have been falling over the last month as African Easterly Waves and Mesoscale Convective systems move across the area.  The seasonal forecast for below-normal rain in this area but it has not been the case.    Over the last 90 days, the conditions have moved from very dry to very wet.   The heavy rain began around August 17 and has not let up.  Prior to August, there were only two rain events. in July and no rain the prior month.  Climate models predict this kind of behavior for a world with elevated greenhouse gases, n 2080 not now!

Caption: A Mesoscale Conveective system over Senegal (1900 EST), Thursday September 12

Tonight another MCS is impacting Senegal adding more hardship to the country. I spoke to a colleague (Habib) who told me that four people were confirmed dead from flooding this week around the Capital City of Dakar.    He sent me a video showing a horse and its driver trying to survive in flooding waters.  Horses are normally seen around the city carrying wood, metals or other materials right next to traffic.  This is the nature of flash flooding, with water pooling and people, horses and cars being stuck.  

Conditions continue to be optimal for heavy rains, and vigorous African Easterly Waves.  Hopefully, some dry air will begin to creep in the desert later this week.   

Malaria Season is coming
For those of you not familiar with the Malaria season, the number of malaria cases will begin to rapidly rise in October and November.   All of the flooding and standing water will increase the number of mosquitoes and malaria cases.    But for the immediate future, the people of Senegal will need to remain ready to escape dangerous flash flooding situations on the roads and round their homes. 

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